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Kano has been revamped

We have published a new version of Kano based on a new version of our developpement kit, here are the key changes:

Some of these new features will be soon integrated in Akt'n'Map and more !

OpenAQ Air Quality data available for Kargo

We have developed a new service using the air quality data provided by OpenAQ. OpenAQ is a non-profit organization empowering communities around the globe to clean their air by harmonizing, sharing, and using open air quality data.

The service is integrated with Kargo and the data can be visualized with Kano.

K2 service for Kargo

We are happy to announce that we now provide a 3D terrain tiles service you can use as part of our Kargo solution. Browse the whole world in 3D with our Kano geospatial data explorer or any Cesium-based application. It is named after the second highest mountain in the world: K2 !