Kalisio devient partenaire d’Atraksis

C’est parce que nous partageons les mêmes objectifs, favoriser l’innovation et la digitalisation au sein des organisations qui font face à des risques, que nous avons naturellement rejoint le réseau de partenaires d’Atrakis. Fort de cette collaboration, nous espérons ainsi mettre à disposition notre expertise et nos solutions, notamment Akt’n’Map, au profit des services de secours et des usagers.

IRSN is choosing Weacast to redesign its Meteo Server

After AIRBUS, the French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) is collaborating with KALISIO to work on the next generation meteo server. This server is part of the IRSN’s emergency response system and should deliver various meteorological forecasts (ARPEGE, AROME, GFS…) . The proposed solution will be based on our Weacast solution, just like the AIRBUS X-Wind application.


The C3X platform is a platform software developed by the French Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) for atmospheric dispersion and consequences (doses) assessment. C3X has been specifically designed for a use in IRSN’s Technical Crisis Center and in particular for the emergency phase management.

As part of major changes to the platform, Kalisio was asked to ensure the evolution of the cartX application. CartX allows to visualize and post-process in a 3D geographical context the results of the various calculations. From a technical point of vew, CartX relies on Open Scene Graph, VTK, GDAL and Qt technologies and interacts with the platfom using a communication bus. Our mission was to refactor cartX to handle the new data model induced by the platfom’s evolutions and the new communication protocol based on AMQP. Our technological background allowed our partner in charge of the maintenance to secure its delivery in time and cost.